Mobility & Noise

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On March 22, 2022, the Town held a community workshop on Mobility and Noise. If you were unable to attend the workshop or if you attended the workshop and would like to provide additional input – this is your opportunity to provide input for the Mobility and Noise chapters of the General Plan Update. Before taking the survey, you may want to view the workshop presentation and the background materials available on the Mobility & Noise page.

The survey will close on May 6th.

Your Name

When traveling to/from downtown Tiburon, what is your primary means of transportation?

Choose one.

If you worked prior to the pandemic, what was your primary means of transportation to and from your place of employment?

Choose one.

If you are currently working, what is your primary means of transportation to and from your place of employment?

Choose one.

If you are a student (or a parent of a student), what is the primary means of travel to and from school?

Choose one.

What are the biggest constraints to mobility in Tiburon?

Select your top three.

Do you feel safe walking in Tiburon?

Choose one.

Do you feel safe bicycling in Tiburon?

Choose one.

Would you feel comfortable letting children walk to school in Tiburon?

Would you feel comfortable letting children bicycle to school in Tiburon?

Rank the types of mobility improvements that you feel should be addressed in order of priority with 1 being the top priority.

Drag options to the left column to rank them.

Reduce traffic delays and congestion, increase motor vehicle traffic capacity, etc.
Complete the Town’s planned bikeway network, increase the supply of bicycle parking; attract bike share providers, etc.
Eliminate walkway gaps where feasible, provide new and/or improved pedestrian crossings, sidewalks, and paths, including safe routes to school to reduce school traffic.
Enhance access to the Ferry Terminal and bus stops; provide measures to reduce bus delay; support the provision of new or enhanced transit service such as downtown shuttles and/or additional yellow bus service to schools.
Measures to address safety issues and reduce collisions for all travel modes, etc.

Indicate your level of support for a continuous bikeway that would connect existing bicycle path and bicycle lane segments on Tiburon Boulevard from Highway 101 to Paradise Drive.

Choose one.

Indicate your level of support for a continuous bikeway on Trestle Glen Boulevard to include bicycle lanes where feasible.

Choose one.

Indicate your level of support for continuous walking paths along Tiburon Boulevard.

Choose one.

Indicate your level of support for additional crosswalks on Tiburon Boulevard and updates to mid-block crosswalks in downtown Tiburon.

Choose one.

Indicate your level of support to eliminate walkway gaps near schools.

Choose one.

Indicate your level of support for a roundabout to enhance safety at Tiburon Boulevard and Blackfield Drive.

Choose one.

Indicate your level of support for a roundabout at Tiburon Boulevard and Mar West Street.

Choose one.

Indicate your level of support for efforts to increase the frequency of ferry service including late evening and weekend service.

Choose one.

Indicate your level of support for additional automobile lanes at intersections on Tiburon Boulevard.

Choose one

Indicate your level of support for efforts to provide shuttle – service, in addition to the existing bus service, to enhance access to downtown Tiburon including the ferry terminal.

Choose one.

Indicate your level of support for efforts to increase the provision of yellow bus service to/from schools in Tiburon.

Choose one.

What are noise sources in Tiburon that are particularly disruptive?

Choose all that apply.

Provide additional comments below.

I am a:

Select all that apply.

Your age group:

How did you hear about this survey?

Select all that apply.