Accessory Dwelling Units

Learn how you can convert or add to your existing property to make suplemental income and help the Town of Tiburon meet housing needs for your community.

The Town of Tiburon wants to hear from property owners who may be interested in adding an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) or junior accessory dwelling unit (JADU) to their property. An ADU may built attached to the primary home, as a stand-alone building, or converted from existing space in the home or in an existing detached structure like a garage. A JADU is a repurposed, existing space within a home that may share a bathroom with the main residence and has an efficiency kitchen.

ADUs and JADUs are a great option for many homeowners:

  • They can provide extra income for seniors and others who want to stay in their homes
  • They can provide housing for aging parents, family members, and caregivers
  • They can provide affordable housing for people who work in Tiburon

As a Tiburon homeowner, you are entitled to build one ADU and one JADU as long as you meet certain qualifications. In general, an ADU that meets the following standards may be approved without a public hearing:

  • 850 - 1,000 sq. ft maximum size, depending on lot size and the number of bedrooms in the ADU
  • One story maximum height for a detached ADU and two stories for an attached ADU
  • 4 ft. side setbacks unless the ADU is in an existing structure

For planning purposes, the Town wants to know if you are interested in building an ADU and/or JADU by the end of 2030. If so, take the survey at the link below. If you have already filled out a paper form and returned it by mail, please do not retake the survey. Only one survey response per household is permitted.

The survey will close on August 14, 2023.

ADUs are a great option for seniors to age-in-place and get retirement income.

Thinking about adding an accessory dwelling unit?

The Town of Tiburon wants to hear from you! Visit for inspiration and more information.