The General Plan 2040 has been adopted!
The General Plan 2040 is the overarching document that guides the growth and development of Tiburon over the next 20 years, addressing issues like land use, housing, open space, conservation, parks and recreation, transportation, and environmental hazards. The General Plan lays out policies that will shape how Tiburon will look and feel in the future.
The Town Council adopted the General Plan 2040 on May 22, 2023. To view the General Plan 2040 and the associated Environmental Impact Report, click here.
Check back here often for:
- Notifications of upcoming workshops and meetings
- Surveys where you can share your point of view
- Recordings of webinars and meetings
- Background information on key issues and policy alternatives
- Links to documents and resources
We want to hear about what you value most about Tiburon and how you’d like the Town to change – or stay the same – over the next 20 years.

Overview of the General Plan Update Process
General Plan Update Timeline
The General Plan update process will take about 2 years.
Here are the major phases, activities, and milestones of our timeline.

- Website
- Social Media
- Mailer
- Community Survey
- Stakeholder Interviews and Focus Groups
- Meetings with Commissions and Town Council

- Staff Evaluation of Existing General Plan
- Background Reports
- Community Workshops on Topic Areas
- Open Space, Conservation, Parks & Recreation, and Safety
- Sea Level Rise
- Housing and Land Use
- Downtown
- Mobility and Noise
- Community Surveys
- Meetings with Commissions and Town Council

- Draft the General Plan
- Draft Environmental Impact Report
- Open House
- Meetings with Commissions and Town Council